What is AHT?
The AHT, or more precisely, the Average Handling Time, is the average call handling time of a call after customers have been put through to customer support. Average Handling Time is an important metric in customer service or call centres and is often used to determine the efficiency of telephone or live chat support.
AHT is interpreted differently depending on the company. Many companies see AHT as the average sum of call time between the person calling and the service worker(s). Many call centres also include the callers’ waiting time in the AHT.
How do you calculate AHT?
As a rule, the Average Handling Time is given in minutes or seconds. Call Centre Help magazine estimates the average AHT, regardless of industry, to be six minutes. However, due to individuality, different industry criteria and other factors, this should not be regarded as a standard.
Usual calculation of AHT for telephone calls:
AHT = (total call time + waiting time + follow-up time) / total number of calls
Some companies may not count waiting and follow-up time as intra-company AHT. Consequently, the calculation would have to be adjusted in this example.
Usual calculation of AHT for chat support:
AHT = (total talk/chat time + follow-up time) / number of chat requests
Usual calculation of AHT for email support:
AHT = (time spent on customer enquiries) / number of cases solved